Our NHS staff have been receiving great praise for their efforts during the Coronavirus pandemic, and so they should, many are working frontline with Covid patients and putting themselves and their families at risk.
But today I would like to highlight the other groups of Key Workers, who have quietly continued with their work, who have not received special discount offers, free data on their mobiles, special store opening hours or fund raising efforts. And yet they go into work every day, without any form of PPE, risking their health to keep our country going.
In particular i would like to thank a group of Key Worker heroes close to my own heart. The Education staff in schools and Nurseries everywhere. All through this crisis they have continued to turn up. They smile and laugh to keep spirits up and everything as normal as possible, even though they must worry about getting sick themselves, or taking the virus home to their own families and they do it because they genuinely care for the small people in their care. They are the Staff in Schools and Nurseries, taking care of the nation's Key Workers every day, so that those Transport Workers, Social Workers, Police Officers, Firefighters, Army personnel, and yes Care Workers like those in the NHS can go to work and keep the country functioning and cared for.

Our teachers have had to learn to teach and deliver lessons in a whole new way literally overnight, adapting and changing as lessons are learnt, providing support to parents and children and yet they've risen to the challenge with a smile. Even though many must be scared - scared for themselves and worried for the key worker families in their care, for how could you not be in this unprecedented situation.
They've sent messages to the children in their care to boost their spirits and in some cases - provided social care, hand delivering meals to families in need to ensure that the children are fed. I've read some wonderful stories about what school's are doing during lockdown to boost moral and support the families in their communities.
Like me, now into week 6 of attempting to jam some knowledge into the heads of my little darlings - surely any parent who has now experienced home learning can only have a new found appreciation for our Educators - and they do it every day with 30 KIDS not 2! They, like so many others in the Key Worker category, have put aside their own safety to support others and I just want to say - I SEE YOU. I cant offer you discounted coffee, or half price pizza, or free data on your phone, but I can publicly say YOU are my heroes, and if I don't see a cape on your back when we eventually get back to school I'm going to be amazed. But then again, you probably wouldn't want to wear one would you? Because to you this is just what you do - no ego or expectation of accolade. Just care and compassion and a passion for helping our young people be all that they can be. So it's ok, you don't have to wear one, but i WILL be mentally imagining one flapping in your wake as you lead the children out at pickup that first day - no doubt with a big smile on your face.