Those of your that know me well know that I have a counter-side to my book life, and that is teaching Yoga Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence to Children and their families in Schools and Pre-Schools.
This morning i was teaching a super relaxing Yin Session to my Teen group and their Mums and had the thought afterwards that this would be a really lovely thing to offer to Educators everywhere, who have had such a huge period of stress and change during the Coronavirus Crisis, and despite it all have calmly worked out ways to keep us all learning.

To everyone who works in a School, Whether you're the Head Teacher, Teacher, T/A, Catering or Cleaner, Office Staff, Librarian, SENCO. You are all our daily heroes. You've pivoted on a dime to create online lesson plans for those at home, whilst still teaching those Children who need to be in school, & also caring for and home schooling your own family.
You've gone in without PPE with arguably the highest risk group of children as many have frontline parents, and worried about what you might be taking home with you, but you still go in. You've realised at times that social distancing simply cant apply when there's a highly distressed child in front of you who just needs a hug, or that scraped knee taking care of, and so you continue to distribute the love and care that you always have, because you love the children in your care. Spent evenings and weekends replying to parent emails, and working out lessons that might engage and educate, and hand delivered these to families who cant access their learning online. Many are even home delivering meals, as without their care, they know the children may not be able to eat properly.

For these reasons and Oh - SO many more, this half term break i feel like you should have someone say: 'Hey - prioritise YOU today. Take some time out to replenish and release. Re-Balance your mind and body, and know that you are loved and appreciated by so many.
So, I'm doing just that. Come and join me for a Relax and Re-Balance Yin Yoga Zoom session this Wednesday morning at 10:30am. You don't have to have done yoga before, have special clothing/kit or even be at all stretchy for this class. You do need to have 3-4 squishy pillows and a blanket or two as this is the 'Hug' of yoga classes. Simple poses, all floor based, held for a long length of time for ultimate relaxation. The session will last approximately 1.5 hours (Trust me it goes by quickly!), and will leave you feeling lighter than you have for weeks.
Zoom sessions have a maximum number of 100 attendees per session, so I will send the link to the first 100 people who request to join (I'm not posting the link publicly so that i don't disappoint anyone). Simply email me at to receive your invitation to peace. In the event that I have a higher response than expected, or people cannot attend because they have to work this week I will look at the possibility of running an evening session also :)
Thank you - for all that you do. I see you. Namaste x