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Looking back

Writer's picture: The Book WhispererThe Book Whisperer

In January 2019 I made a decision to read as many of the books in our school library as I could.

I'd decided that in order to be a good Librarian I needed to have more than a passing familiarity with the 'stock' on offer. Yes, I'd read a lot of books, you get through quite a few when you've had 10+ years of nightly bedtime stories....but as my two have got older and we've moved onto larger chapter books, reading a chapter or two per night meant I wasn't getting through them quick enough!

In taking on this challenge I discovered a genuine love of modern children's literature, and a huge admiration for those who write it. The writers who weave a tale with adventure, heart, a deep message or a belly laugh, have all enriched my reading experience in the past year. Along the way I've got to know a few of them, and even (the thrill!!) of meeting one or two at school visits. I've been the lucky recipient of a signed book or advance copy now and then, which is pure heaven for a book fanatic, and has made me a librarian rock god at times with the kids LOL.

With all of the books i read last year the one I remember the most - that had the biggest impact was Scavengers, by Darren Simpson. It was one of the earlier ones that I read and i was totally blown away by the sheer brilliance of his writing. I can remember having a conversation with one of the staff members in my local Waterstones (I'm on a first name basis in there - it's my Happy Place). We were discussing the book and how fabulous it was and I asked to read any other works by Darren. His response which I've never forgotten was 'this is actually his first book, he's just fallen from the sky as a fully formed writer'.

If you haven't already read Scavengers you really must. The story of a boy growing up in a walled area of wasteland, with his guardian and the animals they care for, you slowly come to realise that all is not as it seems, and for me the book shone a light on our modern day society and what we have become. You will fall in love with Landfill, and despair for him, and ultimately hope that we can create a better tomorrow.

For now I'm waiting (almost) patiently for Darren's next work - I'll be first in line when it arrives in store, and standing beside the table in Waterstones telling everyone to buy it...AFTER I've got my copy of course ;)

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Paul Bondsfield
Paul Bondsfield
Mar 08, 2020

What a great site.

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